Healthy Home Coach by Netatmo
Do you ever wonder about the air you’re breathing? Or how the temperature and sound level might be affecting your mood or your health? Then the Healthy Home Coach is for you. This Wi-Fi connected device measures the air quality of your room as well as the temperature, humidity and ambient sound level. You can access all of the data collected on your connected smartphone or tablet and can effect changes and watch as the statistics change accordingly. For anybody who lives in a bustling city or area with poor air quality, this device can give an insight into the health of your everyday environment. More information below.
IMPORTANT - Wi-fi connection is required to use this product.
Product Specifications
Attribute name | Attribute value |
Product Size | 45x45x155 mm / 1.8x1.8x6 inches |
Mechanics & design | Single piece of durable aluminum shell. Designed for indoor use only. |
Sensors and measurements | Records frequency: every 5 minutes - Temperature: Ranges from: 0°C to 50°C / 32°F to 122°F Accuracy: ± 0,3°C / ± 0.54°F - Humidity: Ranges from: 0 to 100% Accuracy: ± 3% - CO2 Meter: Ranges from: 0 to 5,000 ppm Accuracy: ± 50 ppm (from 0 to 1,000 ppm) or ± 5% (from 1,000 to 5,000 ppm) - Sound meter: Ranges from: 35 dB to 120 dB |
Requirements | High-speed internet connection is required. Public hotspots not supported. |
More Information
4 precise sensors
Know when to turn your humidifier on or off.
Air quality
Learn how to reduce indoor air pollution.
Monitor the sound level to achieve a good night’s sleep.
Make sure the temperature is right for you, day and night.
There are also 4 key benefits
Your comfort depends on your indoor environment. If it is too cold, there is too much humidity, the air pollution or noise levels are too high you can feel uncomfortable. The Netatmo Smart Indoor Air Quality Monitor tells you what you need to adjust so that you can always breathe easy at home.
A healthy indoor environment helps you to feel good inside and out. Headaches, fatigue, a lack of energy, coughs, allergies or asthma can all be caused by an uncontrolled environment. The Netatmo Healthy Home Coach device measures the key data of your home to allow you and your family to live in a fresh and healthy environment.
A healthy bedroom is key to a good night's sleep. Whether it's the right noise levels for sound sleeping, changes in air quality whilst you sleep or the best temperature for sleeping, the built in Air Quality Monitor shows you what to do. Check the data history for these parameters to improve your quality of sleep.
Temperature, air quality and noise levels have an impact on your productivity and ability to concentrate. Create the perfect working environment in your home, so that you can work, or your teens can do their homework or prepare their exams in good conditions.